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Work From Home Productivity

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Working from home is all about having the right mindset. It’s about shifting the way you think about work, and it’s about training yourself to be able to operate with an ...

Chapter 1: Introduction – Working From Home is What You Make of It

So, you’re stuck working from home? There are now two ways this can go. One option is that you work like so many other people who are confined tohome offices. That means you’ll spend a huge chunk of your day procrastinating before you actually get anything done, which will result in work spilling over into your evening.

You’ll go to bed with work still on your plate, feeling stressed and behind. Meaning you’ll wake up the next day and start work in your pyjamas. Without someone looking over your shoulder or structuring your day, it’s all too easy to fall into bad habits. You make yourself that morning cup of coffee, you check your emails, you read Facebook… you neglect to shave! It feels like liberation at first, and it’s a great feeling not having to rush out of the door.